How To Contact Me
For the fastest response:
By phone: (970)281-7727
BY E-MAIL: ben@benjaminwhite.us
I am typically unavailable to directly answer calls during weekdays as I am in sessions throughout the day. Please leave me a voicemail and I will try to return your call within 48 hours, with the exception of calls received after 5pm on Thursdays, which I will return the following week.
You may also fill out the form below. please allow 72 hours for a response to the online form
Office location
400 E Simpson St. #105
Lafayette, CO
Getting here:
Just a short drive from either Denver or Boulder, Old Town Lafayette is 20 minutes from the Highlands neighborhood in Denver and 20 Minutes from the South Boulder Transit Center. In normal traffic, we're about 30 minutes from the University of Colorado Campus in Boulder. There is always ample free parking on the quiet street right in front of the office
By car from Boulder: Take Baseline, Arapahoe or South Boulder Road East to Lafayette. Call for exact location and directions.
By bus from Boulder: Dash, Jump and 225 routes to Lafayette Park-N-Ride
By bus from Denver or Longmont: The L bus goes between Denver's Union Station and Longmont, stopping at the Lafayette Park-N-Ride in both directions.
Call for address and directions to your appointment